Monday, February 22, 2010

Did I tell you I love parties?

I'll even throw a party when the guest of honor isn't here!

Happy 4th Birthday Delana!

Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...

Happy birthday Delana...

Happy birthday to you!


Our life...special with needs! said...

Our little sign says

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found your blog from Down syndrome New Mama....I don't have a blog, I didn't even know what they were until a few months after my daughter was born and a friend sent me a link to one. I have 4 girls, from 9yrs -18 months. My 18 month old was born w/Down syndrome. I was 33 and it was a complete shock! I read your story about Jake and just had to tell you how much I loved your honesty. I can really relate to that "ball dropping". I am now ready to start a blog, to meet all these amazing people in the DS community. Thank you for sharing. (Your children are adorable!) Andrea Wiley, California

Our life...special with needs! said...

Andrea- THANK YOU SO MUCH for making a comment on my post! YOU are the exact reason I do this! It truly takes my breath away that I actually reached someone who needed this blog! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Please send me a link to your blog when you get it up and going...I would love to follow your story!

Bestie said...

Jules! This is so awesome! So if U cried...u can only imagine ur sentimental friend over here!;)