Friday, April 9, 2010

Some like to eat in bed...

I like to craft in mine. What can I say, it's warm & we have a big tv in our room. Someday, I'll have an actual craft room, but for now...our bedroom will have to do! I found myself with a little free time on my hands tonight, so I whipped these up...

These are on bobbie pins

This big daddy is on a lapel pin

The big pink one is on a bobbie pin, the other is on a snap clip

Only because I just got my hair done!

Made this one to wear to Lexi's party tomorrow!


roweboat said...

Those are so cute. Hope you all have a blast at the party.

Carrie said...

I loved ur hair pin! And um, I think I need my bday is next!;)

Our life...special with needs! said...

I was just telling Zach that I was excited that your b day was soon because I NEED to make these cake ball lolly pop things that Denise found for me! Get ready friend!!