I have this new fascination...with kisses. Hershey Kisses that is! I ran across the idea blog hopping one day a few months ago, & I can't get enough. They are so easy (if you have a Cricut), and such a easy decoration...for everything! I have made them for parties, weddings, hostess gifts, even Glitz & Glam! So I decided that since I'm making them for everyone & everything, I'm going to try and make a few bucks doing it! I got my first order with in a hour of posting that I am selling them on Face Book! Kisses!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Posted by Our life...special with needs! at 10:52 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 10, 2011
Bracelet update
IT WORKS!! He CAN'T get it off...and he quit fussing with it after about a half hour!! I recommend these for anyone with a little one...special needs or typical!

We love it so much we ordered a second one for our little friend Tyson to rock!!
Posted by Our life...special with needs! at 8:01 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
ID Bracelet
So excited to get this in the mail today! It's Jake's ID bracelet (cool boy style)! I'm loving it! It has a little water proof tab that slips right under the Velcro in a little pocket that I put his name, birthday, my name & phone number and Zach's name & phone number. And on the back I can list allergies, medications and other info! LOVE IT!! Now to get him to wear it! If you have a little escapee (Jennifer), ya might want to look into these!! Could be well worth the $15!!
Posted by Our life...special with needs! at 10:25 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The great escapee
In the past few months Jake has had a few good jumps in growth. He's still a itsy bitsy little guy (wearing 18-24 month cloths at 2 1/2 years old), but he's getting taller & taller. He's a smart little booger too. He has figured out that if he wants to get things off the kitchen counters...empty a drawer, climb in it and WHA LA...everything is at his reach! He has also (somehow) figured out how to get out the front screen door! Twice in the last week I have turned my back (how dare I...I know), and there he is...half way down the drive way making a run for the open road! And there is another gray hair. So...new safety locks go on the upper drawers, and the front screen door will be locked at all times! And to up the ante a little...we got him a sweet little Velcro ID bracelet from Vital Id! Only $15 after shipping...totally worth the piece of mind. Now to see if I can get him to wear it! Wish us luck!!
Posted by Our life...special with needs! at 8:33 PM 1 comments